Island life
Summer time and island life go hand-in-hand, and it’s that sunny, carefree atmosphere of the Greek Islands that so many people fall in love with.
The magnificent island of Mykonos is an iconic destination that embodies the exuberance of island living with lavish cosmopolitanism. Known around the world as the go-to Greek island for famous celebrities, jet-setters and those who seek the best life has to offer, Mykonos offers a unique lifestyle that few places around the world could match. Morning dips in crystalline waters or lazing by exquisite poolsides is the typical start to a day in Mykonos, to be followed by indulgent shopping sprees around the island’s world-class shopping venues. Music and pop-up beach parties are a daily happening and before you know it, it is time to pick a spot from where to admire the sunset, before you set out to one of those nights that make Mykonos such a loved and irresistible entertainment spot.

There truly is so much around Mykonos to fall in love with. Exquisite restaurants and bars offering tasteful gastronomic experiences from every corner of the world; cocktails inspired by the immersive atmosphere of the island; countless shopping, art and culture venues and unique sites and so many more. But what truly stands out about island life in Mykonos is the liberating sensation that you can truly do whatever you wish, that the world is your oyster; be that on a secluded beach, on an extravagant entertainment venue, on a hidden terrace overlooking the wondrous white and blue, it is here, and it is yours.